Collections from flats
If you live in a flat your service may be different to houses.
Available services
Food waste recycling is not currently available to all flats. Please use the check my collection day form to find out which services are available where you live. Textiles and small electricals can be recycled at some blocks of flats in Surrey Heath and Woking where separate bins are provided in bin stores. They can also be taken to bring banks in Mole Valley, Surrey Heath and Woking and can be recycled at community recycling centres in all areas.
Shared bins
Some flats will have larger bins that are shared with neighbours. They may be a different colour to household bins, but should be labelled to indicate if they are for rubbish, recycling or food waste. Please contact us if the labels are missing.
Recycling right
Please don’t put plastic bags or sacks full of recycling in your recycling bins. Recycling should be emptied loose into the bins. Reusable bags to store and transport your recycling are available on request.
It’s important that you only put recyclable items in your recycling bins. If you put the wrong items in your recycling bin, it might not be emptied. That’s because the reprocessor could reject the whole truck load and everyone’s recycling would then be thrown away.
Find out more about what can go in your recycling bins.
Bulky waste
Please don’t try to put large items of waste such as electrical appliances, furniture, doors, flooring and mattresses in your bins or leave them next to your bins. Leaving waste around your bins is fly-tipping.
You can take this waste to your nearest community recycling centre.
Or you can pay for a one-off bulky waste collection. If you receive Council Tax support or Housing Benefit you may be entitled to a concessionary rate.