Surrey takes 3rd place in the nation’s recycling league table

A brand new report has revealed that Surrey residents are among England’s top performers when it comes to recycling. And we are urging residents to keep up the good work and help the county stay at the top! Recycling in Surrey 2021-22 has been published by SEP and shows that 54.4% of Surrey’s waste is recycled, composted or reused; the ...

Bank holiday bin collections May 2023

Monday 24 April 2023 There are no changes to bin collections over the May bank holidays in Elmbridge, Mole Valley, Surrey Heath and Woking. Please leave your bins out to be emptied as usual. Residents can view their current collection schedule here.

Service update after recent snowfall

Wednesday 8 March 2023 Following the snow overnight, bin collection crews started their rounds later than usual today. While we aim to continue collections as normal, roads that are unsafe to access will not receive a collection until conditions improve. This is to reduce the risk of vehicles slipping or becoming stuck. If your road is not collected, please leave ...

Save time and money this Food Waste Action Week!

With the cost of food creeping up every day, many households are feeling the pinch. Luckily, there’s a way to help save money and the planet – by reducing your food waste you can make your leftovers last for longer. Did you know that the average family of four can save £70 a month by decreasing the amount of food ...

Check out SEP’s half-price compost bin sale today!

Turn your garden and food waste into something beautiful this spring with Surrey Environment Partnership's half-price compost bin sale! As daffodils begin to pop up across Surrey, give your garden the nutrients it needs to flourish by composting your garden and food waste at home. Residents of Surrey can grab their exclusive half-price discount between 1 – 24 March. There ...

Let’s take the guesswork out of recycling

If you’re confused about recycling, you’re not alone! Labels on packaging can be misleading and there is local variation as to what can and can’t be recycled, and how to do it. Take toothpaste, for example. The cardboard box can be recycled, but the empty toothpaste tube and lid belong in your rubbish bin! Likewise, you can pop empty food ...

One small change, one big difference

What you do with your food waste can make a huge difference to your environmental impact. The best way to help the planet is to reduce the amount of food waste you produce and recycle what is left. It’s easier than you think to own your impact in 2023. With free weekly food waste collections throughout Surrey, all you need ...

Discounted compost bins available now!

Surrey residents can now buy a range of reduced-price compost bins, hot composters, food waste digesters and other composting products courtesy of a subsidy provided by the Surrey Environment Partnership. There are a range of compost bins available all with a third off the normal price. You can use them to compost all your garden waste, and even some food ...

Christmas tree recycling

Remember, you can recycle your Christmas tree when you take down your decorations. You could even go that one step further and reuse your tree next year by re-potting or replanting it. There are a number of ways residents can recycle their tree. Trees can be taken to your local community recycling centre or to a local garden centre that ...