Got grand designs? Do your duty and avoid a fine

Have you got grand designs this summer? Whether you’re doing up your house, getting your dream kitchen or building an awesome extension it pays to know the rules when it comes to your waste. Or you could risk a hefty fine. If your builder takes the waste away and they don’t dispose of it properly, it’s you who can be …

Residents’ recycling results in stunning saving for Surrey

Surrey residents recycled even more food waste in their caddies last year meaning that £310,000 is now being saved every year and helping to protect essential services. Residents’ efforts have made savings because it costs less to recycle food waste (turning it into electricity) than it does to dispose of it. And, even though it’s only a small action, it …

Keep the good times going by recycling your clothes

The dazzling dress you wore to your birthday party. The trusty bag you took on your hiking holiday. The sparkly shoes you danced in until dawn. Your clothes carry your memories with them. But because recycled clothes and textiles can be worn again either in the UK or abroad, the good times can go on. And if that makes you …

Recycled garden waste makes for the ideal gnome

There’s no place like gnome in the winter, but now it’s time to head outdoors and get your garden prepped for summer. And what better way to get some gnome comforts than to recycle your garden waste and turn it into compost to help new things grow? The best way to do it is to make some gnomegrown compost. It’s …

Five hacks to reduce food waste

If you want instant gains in your purse and for the planet, why not get clever and hack some everyday kitchen tasks? By learning just five simple work-arounds to reduce the amount of food you waste, you could start saving right away and do your bit for the environment while you’re at it. You might already do some, like planning …

Christmas card and paper recycling

The countdown to Christmas has begun. Christmas cards are filling post boxes, cardboard-packaged gifts are landing on doorsteps and empty mince pie boxes are piling up high. Luckily, in Surrey you can recycle your festive paper and card with ease. Whether you have empty chocolate boxes, old envelopes or used wrapping paper, there is room in your recycling bin for …

Recycle your winter clothes and bag a saving

With the leaves turning brown and the sky grey, you could help save money that could be spent on essential services by recycling your old winter clothes. Your efforts could also help you go green by supporting the environment. Clothes and home textiles can be recycled easily everywhere in Surrey and doing so could save up to £4 million a …

Mole Valley bin collections update

Friday 24 May, 11.15am We’re pleased to report that bin collections were completed as scheduled in Mole Valley yesterday and the crews have caught up on previous missed collections. Unfortunately our contractor Amey has experienced a combination of problems including vehicle breakdowns and staffing issues, which have affected recent collections and meant some bins being emptied a day or two …

Help prevent fly-tipping in Surrey

This summer, Surrey residents and businesses are being urged to be vigilant when employing traders to dispose of their waste or risk fines of up to £400. Although a rogue trader may fly-tip the waste, it could still be whoever employs them that is fined. To avoid prosecution, residents and businesses must ensure they use a registered waste carrier and …

Changes to Mole Valley’s bin collections

What’s changing? From Monday 6 August 2018, a new contractor will be emptying the bins in Mole Valley.  You’ll see new vehicles and staff who work for Amey and while your bins will still be emptied on the same day, there will be some small changes to collection times: There is no change to the day your bin is collected, …