Surrey residents joint 2nd best in country for recycling

A new report has revealed that Surrey residents are the joint 2nd best recyclers in England. In 2022-23, 54.0% of the waste they threw away was turned into something new, whether it was clothing, energy, fertiliser or new packaging. This sees the county way above the England average of just 41.7%. The report also shows Surrey is going in the …

Give a Surrey school (and the planet) a helping hand

You can help a school in your local area in Surrey win part of a £6,000 prize fund by taking part in the Surrey Environment Partnership’s Rethink Waste scheme. All you have to do is register and donate points that you gain by completing fun, online activities to a school of your choice. The schools that have the most points …

Three Elmbridge and Woking schools secure funding for environmental projects as part of Rethink Waste

Three Elmbridge and Woking primary schools have been awarded a combined total of £4,000, which they will be using to deliver projects that benefit their environment, as part of the Surrey Environment Partnership‘s (SEP) Rethink Waste scheme. The schools were awarded funding after signing up to take part in Rethink Waste, in which over 7,000 Surrey households are currently taking …

Why bin old favourites?

Are your jeans destined to never be worn again? Perhaps you have curtains that have seen better days, or a handbag that is past it’s best. Worry not, your old and unwanted clothes and home textiles don’t need to be binned. You can recycle them, for FREE, from your own home and give them another chance at life. Some items …

50% off compost bins for all Surrey residents!

Whether you’re a well-seasoned gardener or just learning the ropes, you can recycle your way to a bright and healthy garden this spring with SEP’s half-price compost bin sale! Not only will this garden accessory help rejuvenate winter-weathered plants, but it will also help you lessen your impact on the environment. Surrey residents can grab their exclusive 50% discount between …

Online forms for Woking residents

We are aware of a technical issue affecting a couple of our online reporting and request forms for Woking residents. We are working closely with Amey to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. The two forms that are currently unavailable are: Request a sharps collection, and Order a new or replacement recycling or food bin. If you need either …

HypnoCat says recycle your small electricals!

Unwanted electronics waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the UK and the world. Yet over 75% of materials contained in our unwanted electricals can be reused and turned into something else! For example, did you know that: Aluminium can be used over and over again without losing any of its quality. 75% of aluminium ever created …

Recycle today, to help local services tomorrow

You might be familiar with the environmental benefits of recycling food waste, but did you know that putting uneaten food into a food waste caddy, instead of the rubbish bin, has another advantage too? It costs far less to dispose of! That’s right, around £6 million per year could be saved in Surrey if the food that residents currently throw …

Online forms for Woking residents

We are aware of an intermittent problem with our online reporting and request forms for Woking residents. On some occasions the link to the online forms is failing to load or timing out. The issue has been reported to the software provider and is being investigated. If you are trying to log a service issue or request please allow up …

Eight easy ways to own your impact this festive season

It’s easier than you think to do your bit for the planet this Christmas. Simply recycling more of the right things will make a huge difference to the environment and it’s cheaper and more carbon efficient for your local council to process than rubbish. Here are eight easy ways to help the planet this Christmas time, recommended by the Surrey …